- 2022
- 2016
- Gerd Beuster
Threat Modelling and Risk Mitigation - An IT Security
Perspective In: Dana Dülcke, Julia Kleinschmidt, Olaf
Tietje, Juliane Wenke (Eds.): Grenzen von Ordnung - Eigensinnige
Akteur_innen zwischen (Un)Sicherheit und Freiheit, Verlag
Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster, Germany, 2016 [PDF].
- 2012
- Gerd Beuster, Karin Greimel
Formal Security Policy Models for Smart Card
Evaluations Short paper and poster presentation at
27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Trento, Italy, March
- 2011
- Gerd Beuster, Karin Greimel
Developing a Formal Security Policy Model for a Smart Card
EAL6 Evaluation Presentation given by Karin Greimel at
12th International Common Criteria Confereince (12ICCC), Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, September 2011[PDF].
- 2008
- Gerd Beuster
A Methodology for Secure Interactive Systems
Dissertation: Koblenz, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 2008, URN
(NBN): urn:nbn:de:hbz:kob7-2875[PDF], BibTeX.
- 2006
- Gerd Beuster, Roman Neruda
Description and Generation of Computational Agents
In: Jérôme Lang, Fangzhen Lin, Ju Wang (Eds.): Knowledge
Science, Engineering and Management, First International
Conference, KSEM 2006, Guilin, China, August 5--8, 2006,
Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4092 Springer 2006,
ISBN 3-540-37033-1 [PDF], BibTeX.
- Gerd Beuster, Niklas Henrich, Markus Wagner
Real World Verification - Experiences from the Verisoft
Email Client In: Geoff Sutcliffe, Renate Schmidt,
Stephan Schulz (Eds.): Proceedings of the FLoC'06 Workshop on
Empirically Successful Computerized Reasoning, Seattle, USA, August
22, 2006, ISSN 1613-0073[PDF], BibTeX.
- Bernhard Beckert, Gerd Beuster
A Method for Formalizing, Analyzing, and Verifying Secure
User Interfaces Proceedings, International Conference
on Formal Engineering Methods [PDF], BibTeX.
- Bernhard Beckert, Gerd Beuster
Guaranteeing Consistency in Text-Based Human-Computer
Interaction Proceedings, International Workshop on
Formal Methods for Interactive Systems[PDF], BibTeX.
- 2005
- Gerd Beuster
Formalizing Security Properties of User Interfaces
Talk given at Jahrestagung der GI-Fachgruppe Formale Methoden
und Software Engineering für Sichere Systeme / Formal Methods and
Software Engineering for Safety and Security (FoMSESS), June
6th/7th, Kiel, Germany, 2005[PDF].
- Gerd Beuster, Roman Neruda, Bjoern Pelzer
Reasoning about Bang3 multi-agent systems in
KR-Hyper Institute of Computer Science, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, V-955. 2005[PDF].
- 2004
- Bernhard Beckert, Gerd Beuster
Formal Specification of Security-relevant Properties of
User Interfaces Proceedings of The 3rd International
Workshop on Critical Systems Development with UML, TU Munich
Technical Report TUM-I0415, Munich, Germany, 2004[PDF], BibTeX, Extended version.
- Gerd Beuster, Roman Neruda
Configuring Computational Agents Proceedings
of The Second International Workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid
Intelligence (KGGI 2004) Beijing, China, 2004 [PDF], BibTeX
- Gerd Beuster, Pavel Krusina, Petra Kudova, Roman Neruda
Bang 3: A Computational Multi-Agent System
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference
on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'04), IEEE Computer Society
Press, 2004 [PDF], BibTeX
- 2003
- Gerd Beuster
Formal Reasoning in the Bang3 Multi-Agent System
Technical Report No. V-889, Institute of Computer Science,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech
- Gerd Beuster, Pavel Krusina, Roman Neruda, Pavel Rydvan
Towards building computational agent schemes
Proceedings of the International Conference on Genetic
Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks 2003 (ICANNGA
2003),Roanne, France[PDF]
- Gerd Beuster, Thomas Kleemann, Bernd Thomas
MIA - A Multi-Agent Location Based Information Systems for
Mobile Users in 3G Networks Research Report
11-2003 University Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz [PDF]
- Gerd Beuster, Ulrich Furbach, Margret Groß-Hardt, Bernd
Automatic Classification for the Identification of
Relationships in a Metadata Repository Research Report
10-2003 University Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz [PDF]
- 2002
- Gerd Beuster
Ontologies Talk given at Czech Academy of
Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic [PDF]
- 2001
- Gerd Beuster
Multi Agent Information Gathering from Public
Sources Talk given at themeeting of the Special
Interest Group on Intelligent Information Agents (Agent Link
Network of Excellence), Amsterdam, Netherlands, December
5, 2001. [pdf] (Slides only)
- Gerd Beuster
Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms as Building
Blocks for Artificial Life Simulations Workshop on
Hybrid Systems, International Conference on Genetic
Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks 2001 (ICANNGA 2001),
Prague, Czech Republic [pdf]
- Gerd Beuster
MIC - A System for Classification of Structured and
Unstructured Texts. Diploma Thesis,
University Koblenz, 2001[pdf]
- Gerd Beuster
Linux Palm Programmierung Linux Enterprise,
Ausgabe Februar 2001[html]
- 2000
- Gerd Beuster, Bernd Thomas and Christian Wolff
MIA - An Ubiquitous Multi-Agent Web Information
In Proceedings of International ICSC Symposium on Multi-Agents
and Mobile Agents in Virtual Organizations and E-Commerce,
MAMA'2000, December 11-13 2000.Wollongong, Australia
- Gerd Beuster, Bernd Thomas and Christian Wolff
Ubiquitous Web Information Agents
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence In Mobile
Systems, ECAI'2000, European Conference on Aritifical
Intelligence August 22nd 2000, Berlin, Germany [pdf]
- Artificial Life Environment - A Framework For
Artificial Life Simulations
Proceedings of The Fourth German Workshop on Artificial
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